Sunday, October 3, 2010

Misty's Misty Magic Kingdom

Who hasn't seen at least pictures of Disneyland/Disneyworld's Magic Kingdom Sleeping Beauty castle? We are all familiar with the distinctive silhouette; it's even used in their logo.

Well, I was privileged to see the real life castle upon which Walt Disney based his design. It is called Neuschwanstien Castle (Schloss in German) and is located in southwest Bavaria, Germany.

Schloss Neuschwanstein in the mist.
As you can see, the day I was there it was quite overcast and drizzling. I know there are better photos on the internet, but this one is special because I was there, feeling the mist, simultaneously holding the umbrella and taking the shot.

Nothing is like being there in person. No amount of web surfing or library research can prepare you for the awesome wonders of the world. Go out and experience them yourself and let me know what you think.

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